Artificial Intelligence
For years there have been endless articles stating that scientists are on the verge of achieving artificial intelligence and that it is just around the corner.The truth is that it may be just around the corner, but they haven&39;t yet found the fight block.
Artificial intelligence aims to build machines that can think. One immediate problem is to define thought,which is harder than you might think.The specialists in the field of artificial intelligence complain, with some justification, that anything that their machines do is dismissed as not being thought. For example, computer now plays very, very good chess.
They can&39;t beat the greatest players in the world, but they can beat just about anybody else.If a human being played chess at this level, he or she would certainly be considered smart.Why not a machine? The answer is that the machine doesn&39;t do anything clever in playing chess. It uses its blinding speed to do a brute force search of all possible moves for several moves ahead, evaluates the outcomes and picks the best.Human don&39;t play chess that way.They see patterns, while computers don&39;t.
This wooden approach to thought characterizes machine intelligence.Computers have no judgment, no common sense.So-called expert systems, one of the hottest areas in artificial intelligence aims to mimic the reasoning processes of human experts in a limited field, such as medical diagnosis or weather forecasting.There may be limited commercial applications for this sort of thing, but there is no way to make a machine that can think about anything under the sun, which a teenager can do.
The hallmark of artificial intelligence to date is that if a problem is severely restricted, a machine can achieve limited success.But when the problem is expanded to a realistic one computers fall fiat on their display screens.For example.machines can understand a few words spoken individually by a speaker that they have been trained to hear.They cannot understand continuous speech using an unlimited vocabulary spoken by just any speaker.
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